Membership to NICAA is open to all men and women throughout Northwest Indiana and beyond. Membership booklets are sent via mail each summer to all members of the previous year with additional coupons enclosed for those who our members believe might have an interest in joining our organization. Since the majority of non-members find out about our organization from existing members, anyone who has not received a booklet and wishes to join should simply notify a NICAA member who will direct him or her to the appropriate Board member to contact in order to obtain a booklet.
NICAA currently has over 300 members who have the opportunity to attend any of our combined lectures and luncheons or bus trips. The cost of becoming a member of NICAA is currently $25.00. One must be a member of NICAA in order to attend one of our events. Membership in NICAA provides not only a means to explore a multitude of artistic experiences but also an opportunity to meet new people with similar interests and to explore the many facets of art either as a novice or an experienced art aficionado.
An optional membership to our Study Group series is offered to all who maintain a NICAA membership. The current price of Study Group is $25.00. Study Group provides our members the opportunity to attend a morning lecture by area artists or some of our own members who are willing to share their artistic expertise in any art-related area.