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Enrichment Experiences

2023-2024 Season
September Event:  "Henri Matisse:  His Artistic Idols and a Rival"
Works suggested by Laura Mueller:

*Flam, Jack D.  Matisse on Art.  Berkeley and Los Angeles:  U of California Press, 1994.
*Royal Academy of Arts, London.  Matisse:  His Art and His
 Textiles:  The Fabric of Dreams.  London:  Royal Academy of Arts, 2004.
*Museum of Modern Art (NYC), Tate Publishing and Reunion des Musees Nationaux.  (With authors John Golding, John Elderfield, Kirk Varnedoe,  Anne Baldassari, Elizabeth Cowling, and Isabelle Monod-Fontaine).  Matisse Picasso, exh cat.  London:  Tate Publishing, 2002.
*Spurling, Hillary.  Matisse The Master:  A Life of Henri Matisse:  The Conquest of Colour, 1909-1954.  New York:  Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.
*A Bois article on Matisse
*A piece from London's Royal Academy about its exhibition on Matisse's studios and collections 
*MOMA's general page on Matisse


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Our presenter Laura Mueller
2022-2023 Season
Our presenter Laura Mueller

September Event:  "Klee, Kandinsky, and Color at the Bauhaus"

*Bauhaus Movement Overview

*Wassily Kandinsky Paintings              




October Event:  "Byzantine Art of Iconography in Eastern Orthodox Churches"

*About--Kenneth Dowdy Byzantine Iconography






December Event:  "Julia Child:  Bon Appetit!"
*About--Julia Child

Recipes and Biography

Leslie Goddard Portraying
Julia Child
Paul Klee, Persian Nightingales, 1917.jpeg
Paul Klee, Pershian Nightengales, 1917.  Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washingotn, D.C.
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